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Jared A Mazezka
—Above all else, I’m a dad of two, a daughter and a son. I’m passionate about making our world a better place for everyone and helping others to achieve their goals.
—Community outreach includes: Volunteer status with Girl Scouts of America and as a Executive Vice Chair of Generation Morgantown, in association with the Morgantown Area Partnership, participation in the Class of 2022 of Leadership Mon(ongalia), serving as a Eucharistic Minister and as an Usher at St. Mary Catholic Parish in Star City, Morgantown, WV and as the Grand Knight at the St. Mary Star City Council of the Knights of Columbus, advocating for children’s rights to equal access to each loving, fit parent to be the standard after divorces/separations through equally shared parenting.
—Community outreach includes: Volunteer status with Girl Scouts of America and as a Executive Vice Chair of Generation Morgantown, in association with the Morgantown Area Partnership, participation in the Class of 2022 of Leadership Mon(ongalia), serving as a Eucharistic Minister and as an Usher at St. Mary Catholic Parish in Star City, Morgantown, WV and as the Grand Knight at the St. Mary Star City Council of the Knights of Columbus, advocating for children’s rights to equal access to each loving, fit parent to be the standard after divorces/separations through equally shared parenting.
Jared A Mazezka
VP - Business Development
- Phone: (304) 278-4569
- Send an Email
- 2156 University Ave. Ste. 400 Morgantown WV 26506